Ghost Light will be a feature-length documentary that explores the history, traditions, and superstitions of Broadway and Off-Broadway theaters in New York City. Using the superstition of the ghost light as an anchor, we’ll visit several theaters and interview people in the NYC theatre community about their experiences. We want to put a spotlight on the origins of classic theater superstitions from "break a leg" to not saying the name of the Scottish Play in a theater. 




My vision for Ghost Light stemmed from my background in theatre and fascination with the supernatural. Theatre is full of wonderful and intriguing traditions and superstitions that often go unnoticed by those not directly involved in the art form. I want to shed light on these. As an audience member, we often don’t realize all that goes on behind the curtain to prepare for a show or the history behind the beautiful theaters we sit in to enjoy a performance. My goal, with Ghost Light, is to capture the magic surrounding NYC theaters and the theatre community.

-Brooke Yunis, Director


Photo by Emily Aronica